Monday, September 22, 2008

The Tact and Tacking Skills in Resolving Blended Family Conflicts

Listen: Step Wars

Adult stepfamilies face five common anger issues. Issues that surprisingly, both the parental couple and adult children share. Although these basic fears and concerns are important factors in stepparent relationships, there are opposing views about who causes the problems. Grace Gabe, M.D. and Jean Lipman-Blumen, Ph.D., authors of the groundbreaking book, Step Wars, described these anger issues as the Five Furies.

This is a must read for anyone in an adult stepfamily, whether biological parent, stepparent or adult child. It is an excellent and practical guide to help avoid pitfalls, to repair past damage, to maintain healthy relationships and to help everyone enjoy an adult step family experience.

This topic is expounded more in the book, Step Wars, by Grace Gabe, M.D. and Jean Lipman-Blumen, Ph.D. There’s no substitute for reading the book, but a close second is to join us on an Ask the Experts interview with Grace Gabe and Jean Lipman-Blumen on September 30, 9 pm EST. If you can’t be on the call, submit your very own question to the authors here.

Listen: Step Wars

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